Author: J. V. Jones

Watcher of the Dead – J. V. Jones

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In the frigid wasteland of the north, Raif Sevrance, Watcher of the Dead, has endured many trials to lay claim to the renowned sword known as Loss. But the price of wielding the legendary weapon is high, and Raif is unsure if he is willing to pay it. Ash Marsh, Daughter of the Sull, still struggles to come to terms with her heritage, and the knowledge that the Watcher, armed with Loss, could be...

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La fortaleza de Hielo Gris – J. V. Jones

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La guerra sigue su curso. El clan Dhoone se prepara para recuperar la casa comunal, y el surlord de Espira Vanis envía sus ejércitos a la conquista de los territorios de los clanes. La tierra tiembla, y mientras las criaturas que sirven a los Señores del Fin pugnan por salir al exterior y retomar el poder, el proscrito Raif Sevrance sigue empeñado en su desesperada búsqueda de Cendra Lindero. Para encontrarla deberá aventurarse en...

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A Fortress of Grey Ice – J. V. Jones

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Jones lives up to that praise in the highly charged epic adventure of Ash March and Raif Sevrance, two outcasts whose fates are entwined by fate and by need, in the cold, dark world that threatens to be torn asunder by a war to end all wars. They are but two of many who fight the dreaded Endlords, but both Ash and Raif are special in unique ways that isolate them, yet which also...

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La caverna de Hielo Negro – J. V. Jones

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 En los lejanos Territorios del Norte, ciudades fortleza se aferran a picos desnudos, clanes feroces cazan en las estepas heladas y los baldíos territorios árticos son el último refugio de un pueblo antiguo y enigmático. Tras mil años de tregua, la violencia estalla entre los helados gigantes del lejano norte. El poderoso y antiguo clan Granizo Negro se enfrenta a lord Perro del clan Bludd y dos guerreros se ven atrapados en el derramamiento...

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El clan Granizo Negro – J. V. Jones

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En Espira Vanis, la hija adoptiva del lord comandante se ve acosada por pesadillas que siempre giran en torno al hielo.En los territorios del clan Granizo Negro, dos hermanos encuentran a sus parientes asesinados por espadas que no derraman sangre. En una remota granja, un avezado guerrero abandona a su familia para seguir la llamada de un cuervo… Muy pronto, en un territorio salvaje e implacable, donde ni la naturaleza ni los dioses muestran...

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A Cavern of Black Ice – J. V. Jones

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In Spire Vanis, an uncrowned ruler steals magic from tortured captives, while an innocent girl is haunted by nightmares of ice. On the frigid steppes, two brothers find their kinsmen slain by swords that draw no blood. At a remote homestead, a hardened warrior leaves his family to follow a raven’s summons. And in a deadly wilderness where nature and the gods have no mercy, two young fugitives will confront the unfolding of an...

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