Author: Philippa Gregory

The kingmaker’s daughter – Philippa Gregory

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At the court of Edward IV and his beautiful queen, Elizabeth Woodville, Anne grows from a delightful child to become ever more fearful and desperate when her father makes war on his former friends. Married at age fourteen, she is soon left widowed and fatherless, her mother in sanctuary and her sister married to the enemy. Anne manages her own escape by marrying Richard Duke of Gloucester, but her choice will set her on...

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The red queen – Philippa Gregory

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Heiress to the red rose of Lancaster, Margaret Beaufort fervently believes that her house is the true ruler of England. Ignored by her sainted cousin Henry VI, mocked by her mother, married at age twelve, and endangered by childbirth, she vows to put her son on the throne. Naming him Henry, she sends him into exile and pledges him in marriage to the daughter of her sworn enemy. Margaret charts her own way through...

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The lady of the rivers – Philippa Gregory

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Descended from Melusina, the river goddess, Jacquetta has always had the gift of second sight. As a child visiting her uncle, she meets his prisoner, Joan of Arc, and sees her own power reflected in the young woman accused of witchcraft, before Joan is taken to a horrific death at the hands of the English rulers of France. Married to the Duke of Bedford, English Regent of France, Jacquetta is introduced by him to...

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La trampa dorada – Philippa Gregory

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Inglaterra, 1539. Tras la muerte de Jane Seymour, el rey Enrique VIII vuelve a tomar esposa: su cuarta reina. Desde todos los confines del reino, las jóvenes de familia noble anhelan ser llamadas a la Corte y eludir así un destino poco prometedor. Pero el rey se fija en Ana de Cléveris, hija del duque de Cléveris, a la que únicamente ha visto retratada en pinturas. Juana Bolena y Catalina Howard, dos mujeres caídas...

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La otra Bolena – Philippa Gregory


María Bolena tiene apenas catorce años cuando inicia un romance adúltero con el rey Enrique VIII. Ésta relación durará varios años y fruto de ella nacerán dos hijos. Sin embargo, las cosas cambian cuando su astuta y perversa hermana Ana pasa a ser confidente y consejera del rey. Poco a poco logrará convertirse en su amante desplazando a María e incluso tramará un plan para deshacerse de la reina Catalina de Aragón. En esta...

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La princesa fiel – Philippa Gregory


Philippa Gregory demuestra que a través del rostro aparentemente conocido del pasado se ocultan sorprendentes historias: relatos de mujeres extraordinarias que influyen en el futuro de Europa, de héroes respetables que cometen graves errores y una historia de amor no contada que cambia el destino de una nación. Catalina de Aragón es la hija menor de dos monarcas famosos por su fervor religioso. A los tres años de edad es prometida al príncipe Arthur,...

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